Tamarind Potato

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Tamarind Potato is commonly used to flavor potatoes in India, and makes this low-fat dish authentic and punchy. Try this simply and easy recipe and you would be amazed with the sweet and sour flavor of it šŸ™‚

2 Big Potatoes,boiled,peeled and cut into cubes

1 tsp Kashmiri red chillies

1/4 teaspoon Crushed black peppercorns

1/4 teaspoon Tamarind pulp

1 tablespoon Oil

Onions 2 medium

Ginger,minced 2 teaspoons

Garlic,minced 2 teaspoons

Turmeric powder 1/4 teaspoon

Fennel seed (saunf) powder 1 teaspoon

Salt to taste

Chopped coriander leaves


1. Heat oil in a non sick pan. shallow fry the potato and keep aside

2.in the same pan, put some oil,add Kashmiri red chillies and onions to the pan and saute for 2 minutes. Add ginger and garlic and saute for 1 minute. Add turmeric powder and fennel powder and mix. Continue to saute for 1 minute more.

3.Add tamarind pulp and mix. Add potatoes, crushed black peppercorns and mix well. Add 2 tbsps water and mix till all the potatoes are well coated. Add salt and mix well. Garnish it with chopped coriander leaves and serve hot with plain paratha. šŸ™‚

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