Creamy Palak Paneer

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Palak Paneer is one of the most popular dishes in Indian restaurants worldwide and is commonly served in buffets. This Indian dish is made with spinach, paneer (an acid-set, young cheese), and a combination of spices. This combination of spinach and paneer is not only highly nutritious, but is a splendid blend of taste, texture and flavour. The paneer in this recipe has been fried to add some extra flavour. You can however add the paneer pieces without frying if required.This is the most amazing dish of Paneer and Spinach. but i added some twist into it with Cream and it taste soooooo yummm… so lets start with the quick and simple recipe of Creamy Palak Paneer.

Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Serves: 2


Paneer- 200gm( cut into cubes)
Palak or spinach- 1 bundle(chopped)
Oil -1 tbsp
Onion -1 big
Ginger-garlic paste -1 tsp
Tomatoes -3
Turmeric powder -1/4 tsp
Cumin powder/jeera powder -1 tsp
Coriander powder – 2tsp
Red chilli powder – 3/4 tsp
Poppy seeds- 1 tbsp
Garam masala- 1/4 tsp
Yogurt – 1/2 cup
Milk- 1/2 cup
Cream- 1 cup ( half cup for gravy and half for serving)
Salt as needed
Cashew nut – socked in water and chopped-1 tbsp


1. Heat a pan and put some oil into it.
Now shallow fry the paneer pieces and keep aside.
2. In the same pan put the chopped spinach leaves and half cook it for 5min. Take it out and keep aside.
3.Now we will prepare the sauce-
Heat a tbsp of oil, fry chopped onions until golden brown. Add salt to speed up the process. Saute continuously for even browning.
4.Add ginger garlic paste and saute for a few more minutes.
5.Add chopped tomatoes, turmeric powder, red chilli powder, coriander powder, poppy seeds, cashew nut,cumin powder and  yoghurt. 
6.Cook until tomatoes become mushy. Do not add water. If it is too dry, add just 1 or 2 tbsp of water. Allow it to cool. Add salt required. (remember we already added salt to the onions)
7.Once it cools, blend it to a fine paste.
8.Now heat oil in a kadai again, add shah jeera, when it splutters, add the ground paste and cook for a few minutes.
9.Add milk,cream, little water and bring it to boil in low flame.
10.Now add spinach and paneer into it and cook it for 1min.

11.Garnish it with coriander leaves and cream.
Serve hot with laccha paratha.

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