Jhaal Muri in Canape


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Just like bhel is to mumbai, so is Jhaal Muri to Kolkata.This simple yet delicious snack can be put together in minutes and features typical Bengali ingredients like mustard oil.Jhal Muri is a delicious crunchy snack found in almost every street corner of Kolkata. The flavors of this delectable snack is from the special  Masala and Mustard Oil that is so closely associated with the vendors. The Jhaal Muri is simple and quick to make, very similar to the Mumbai Bhel, without the chutneys and sev imparting strong flavors from the mustard oil. But i am going to serve it in different way 😛

It is soo quick and easy to make.Let’s start with the recipe. 🙂


1 cup puffed rice (“Muri”)
1/4 cup chickpea flour noodles (” Sev”)
1/4 cup fried lentils (” Channa Dal”)
1/4 cup roasted peanuts with skin, crushed
1/2 cup mung bean sprouts
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
1/4 cup fresh coriander leaves, chopped
1 tablespoon fresh coconut meat, chopped
1 tablespoon fresh ginger root, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
1/2 medium cucumber, chopped
1/4 mild onion, chopped
1 tablespoon tamarind sauce
2 teaspoons fresh lime juice
1/2 teaspoon mustard oil
Pinch chaat masala
Pinch amchoor powder
Pinch of jeera powder
Pinch of red chilli flakes (optional)
2-3 chopped green chillies
Pomegranate seeds for garnishing

Combine the puffed rice, chickpea flour noodles, fried lentils and peanuts in a large bowl. Stir in the mung bean sprouts, cilantro, coriander leaves, coconut, ginger, tomato, cucumber and onions to combine. Add the tamarind sauce, lime juice, mustard oil, chaat masala and amchoor powder, chopped chilli,  chilli flakes,  jeera powder and mix well.
Now place this mixture into canape and Garnish it with coriander leaves, sev and pomegranate seeds.

Serve immediately and enjoy the spicy flavour of this Jhaal Muri in Canape. 🙂

Try it and let me know your feedback… 🙂

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