Hot Red Chilli Garlic Chicken

Hot Chilli Garlic Chicken is a mouth-watering Indo Chinese chicken recipe, here fried chicken is cooked in the combination of Indian vegetables and Chinese flavors and turns into delicious and simply irresistible main course dish, which can be also served as a starter.

Preparation Time : 11-15 minutes
Cooking time : 26-30 minutes
Servings : 3


Ginger- 3 inch (make a paste for marination and finely chopped for gravy)
Garlic- 20 cloves( make a paste for marination and finely chopped for gravy )
Red chilli – 6 to 8  
Capsicum- 1 cut into cubes
Onion- 2 cut into cubes
Tomato sauce- 1 tsp
Spring onions for garnishing

Pepper powder- 1/2 tsp

Oil to deep fry
Soya sauce- 1/2 tsp

Corn flour – 2 tsp dissolved in water
(Soak ginger, garlic and red chilli in 1/2 cup water, vinegar and pinch of salt solution for around 1 hr. Then make a fine paste of red chilli separately with the soaked solution.)

For Marination:
Chicken with bone- 250 gm ( boneless can also be used)
Youghurt -2 tbsp
Red chilli paste- 2 tsp ( as per your taste)
Ginger and Garlic paste- 1 tsp
Soya sauce- 1/4 tsp
Corn flour- 3 tbsp
Black pepper power- 1/2 tsp
Vinegar- 1/2 tsp
Egg- 1
Red colour a pinch of
Salt to taste
Marinate the chicken with the above ingredients and put it into the refrigerator for 2 hr.

Step 1:
Heat oil in a non-stick pan.  Add the chicken pieces to the hot oil and deep fry on medium heat till golden. Drain and set aside.
Step 2:
Heat another non-stick pan and add 2 tbsps of oil.Heat till the oil reaches smoking point.
Step 3:
Add  finely chopped garlic and ginger and fry till a little burnt. Add  onions and capsicum and toss.
Step 4:
Add salt and crushed  peppers and stir.
In a bowl mix red chilli paste, soya sauce, tomato sauce  with some water. Now add this bowl of sauce and stir for 1 min.
Step 5:
Now add corn flour dissolved in water according to your requirement for the gravy and wait for a boil to come. After that add the fried chicken into it and coat it with all gravy evenly and cook for 3 min on low flame.
Step 6:
 Now off the flame and add spring onion greens and toss.
Serve hot with butter naan.

Enjoy and let me know your feedback! 🙂


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